The Benefits of Becoming a Paid Lunch & Biz Member
(or... what's in it for me?)
If you have a business and you are attending (or want to attend) Lunch & Biz events, there is no reason why you should not become a member.
First of all is the price. Where are you going to be able to join a group like this and get all the benefits on the right for only $50 a year? We could easily charge $50 a month for everything you get as a member, and it would still be a bargain.
You know what? I don't have to go any further than that. Just look at the list of member benefits. Then look at $50 per year. Then go back and look at the benefits again. If you don't jump on it right now, you only have yourself to blame.
- Attend All Lunch & Biz Events
- Receive Event Attendee List E-mails
- Free-Level Website Access
- Attend All Lunch & Biz Events
- Receive Event Attendee List E-mails
- Member-Level Website Access
- Opportunity To Be A Guest Speaker At A Meeting
- Listing In The Member Directory
- Customize Your Member Listing
- Listing In The Member Map
- Icon In Member Banners
- Ability To Post Events To The Calendar
- Post A Special Deal On The Website
- Announcement Page
- Post To Our Job Board
- Place Free Classified Ads
- Extra Event Notes
- And More Perks To Come...